CNC Laser Irregular Banner Cutting Machine
GoldenLaser - Laser Solution For Printing Banners Flags Cutting - Perfect cutting both regular and irregular printing pattern
Suits for all kinds of printing fabric,banners, flags, graphics.Such as sign banner board,sail sign banner,vinyl sign banner,pvc display banner,sign display flags,advertising flag banners,national flag,car window flag,miniature flag,swooper flag,sewn flag,flying banner,beach banner,solar banner,feather banner,display flag,sail banner,square sail banner,watertank.
Besides laser cutting banner flags,GoldenLaser also supply laser machine cutting fabric,textile,cloth,nonwoven,acrylic,wood,metal for outdoor signs,advertising letters,billboard,sign board,name and number plate etc.
RAINBOW SERIES ZDCJG-340500LD laser cutting machine for printing fabric
cut regular printing patterns-with standard camera
Working table size: 3.4M by 5M
Recognize mark point
Machine details
-Different machine size for choice up to 3.5 meter by 5 meter
-conveyor working table with auto feeder for continuous cutting
-With different CCD Camera for choice according to the pattern you would like to cut
with professional software for recognition
Easy operation and fast cutting
Different laser power for choice 100W/150W/200W
Constant temperature water chiller
Vacuum absorption tank ensure materials flat on the table
cut irregular printing patterns- with camera on top of the laser machine
Recognize the outline Of the pattern Recognition area:1.5M*2.0M
Machine details
Standard machine size 1.5M*2.0M and 1.6M*2.5M
conveyor working table with auto feeder for continuous cutting
With CCD Camera on top of the machine
With professional software for recognition
Easy operation and fast cutting
Different laser power for choice 100W/150W/200W
Constant temperature water chiller
Vacuum absorption tank ensure materials flat on the table
E.m.a.i.l : lijiao(at)goldenlaser(dot)org
M.o.b.i.l.e :
W.e.b.s.i.t.e : www goldenl-laser com cn